Javanese Wellness & Aesthetics
All Sessions by Appointment Only
Javanese Traditional Massage
60 Minute Session $90
90 Minute Session $130
120 Minute Session $158
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
(Promo applied till December 2020
Please speak with Gina for the package offer
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy***
30 Minute Session $70
60 Minute Session $135
Deep Tissue Massage***
30 Minute Session $65
60 Minute Session $95
90 Minute Session $145
120 Minute Session $170
Therapeutic Massage***
60 Minute Session $80
90 Minute Session $125
Balinese Traditional Massage
60 Minute Session $85
90 Minute Session $125
Madurese Traditional Massage
60 Minute Session $95
90 Minute Session $135
Swedish Massage
60 Minute Session $80
90 Minute Session $115
Hot Stone Massage
60 Minute Session $100
Warm Candle Wax Massage
Deep Tissue or Gentle Pressure
90 Minute Session $145
Reflexology/Foot Massage
(Zonal Therapy)
60 Minute Session $88
Ear Candling & Massage
Face, Head, Neck, Shoulders, Arms
60 Minute Session $75
90 Minute Session $115
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
(Promo applied till December 2020)
Singing Bowl Sound Healing Massage
60 Minute Session $65
Infant/Child Massage (3 Months and Older)
30-Minute Session $40
Cupping Therapy Massage
30 Minute Session $65
Thai Herbal Therapy Massage
60 Minute Session $95
90 Minute Session $135
A client who had lipo360 or liposuction/BBL surgery
60 Minute Session $98
Lymphatic Drainage/Lymphedema Massage*
(Face and Body)
60 Minute Session $95
Manual Therapy***
Clinical/Orthopedic Massage
Specific Pain, Numbness, Loss of Strength, Sciatica, Tightness
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
Meridian Therapy***
Chinese Massage,Acupressure
90 Minute Session $195
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
(Promo applied till December 2019)
Please speak with Gina for the package offer
TMJ & Ear Therapy - Meridian Acupressure*
45 Minute Session $75
Metameric Massage Therapy*
(By Body Part/Full Body)
60 Minute Session $95
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage*
Intensive Massage using Hands, Feet
90 Minute Session $158
*Needs a Consent Letter from your Doctor. These are NOT general relaxation massages. Treatments are anatomically precise and patient specific.
**For Manual Therapy and Chinese Meridian Therapy sessions can be longer than 90 mins depending upon client specific conditions
Rehabilitation Therapy
Pre/Post Event - Sports Massages
45 Minute Session $65
60 Minute Session $88
Pre-Natal Acupressure
Ask Your Doctor For Approval
Pregnant women who are 2 weeks or closer to due date
45 Minute Session $75
Traditional Javanese Post-Natal Massage
For Cesarean Birth. Need a Consent Letter from your Doctor
Ask Your Doctor For Approval
90 Minute Session $169
Body Wrap Additional $49
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
(Promo applied till December 2020)
Please speak with Gina for the package offer
Pre-Natal Massage
60 Minute Session $95
(Please visit my Promotional Page to find out the package)
(Promo applied till December 2019)
Please speak with Gina for the package offer
Traditional Javanese Fertility Massage
60 minute Session $100
Post Injury Therapy
Aromatherapy Warm Paraffin Wax
Hand, Foot & Joint massage for a client
suffering from Arthritis and/or joint aches
60 Minute Session $98
Ayurvedic Kathibasthi Therapy
Post Injury, Arthritis
60 Minute Session $100
***Both are NOT suitable for clients with bone fractures or for diabetic clients***